Thursday, May 16Welcome to Jamaica-Linc

Look after your Mental Health

The word “mental” is usually viewed in a negative way, but just as we take care of our physical health, we also need to take care of our mental health. 

Your emotional or mental health affects how you behave towards others, your attitude to life, and the decisions you make.

When you are mentally healthy you are in control of your feelings, thoughts and behaviours:

  • You enjoy life and your surroundings
  • You have good relationships
  • You feel confident
  • You are better able to face problems, resolve them and learn from them
  • You have a sense of humour

How can I nurture my mental health?

Talk about your feelings

If something is bothering you talk to someone you trust – a family member, a friend, your doctor, spiritual leader or professional counsellor. To relieve stress, you may also write a journal.

Keep in touch

Spend time with people whose company you enjoy. Talk with friends and relatives who have an upbeat and positive attitude, it helps to reduce stress.

Take a break

Each day find time to do something you enjoy and take time for yourself- daydream about a peaceful, relaxing place or recall good times. Smell, feel and look at nice things – see a movie, listen to music. Every year take at least two weeks’ vacation.

Ask for help

You must balance work, play and solitude. In order to achieve this, you must understand that you can do so much and no more. Ask for help when you cannot manage. Do not keep putting things off, this only causes more stress and anxiety. 

Keep active

Regular exercise helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Try walking, swimming, playing games such as football or netball or going to a gym.

Eat Healthy

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol. 

Accept who you are

Do not keep looking back at the past. Accept who you are and move on.

Help Others

Joining a group or helping others will make you feel good about yourself and can give you a new perspective on your life.

Try something new

There is less stress in trying and failing than there is in doing nothing. Trying something new is also a good way to increase your chances of meeting new friends or finding a better job.

Practice your faith

Spend quiet time each day in worship, prayer or meditation.

By Dr. Earl Wright

Consultant Psychiatrist & Public Health Specialist


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