Saturday, September 7Welcome to Jamaica-Linc



All in the Family: Dental Technicians

Everyone gets two sets of teeth, naturally – once as a baby, called the milk teeth, then as an adolescent. As the saying goes, if you need a third set, it’s not free you must buy it.It is persons who seek that third set of teeth that continue to keep York McIntosh and members of his family in employment, as dental technicians. A remarkable achievement since less than one-third of family businesses make into the second generation. York McIntosh - dental technician His mother Maud Bowen, established Bowen’s Dental Laboratory in the 1970’s after graduating from the dental auxiliary school which was then located on Arthur Wint Drive in Kingston. Her older son Gary followed in her footsteps. On graduation from St. Georges College, young York worked in the food distribution sector. However...
Six Tips to Overcome Covid-19 stress

Six Tips to Overcome Covid-19 stress

Covid-19 has caused increased stress levels in almost everyone. This is a normal response to changes in our environment, but the extended period of stress caused by a prolonged response to change, will have negative effects on our physical and mental health. If we do not manage our stress levels during these times we will increase our risk for anxiety and depressive disorders. However, there are things we can do to break the stress cycle and reduce the body’s response to change by lowering the stress hormones (cortisol) secreted in our bodies. We used to do this by touching our faces or giving someone a hug or a pat on the shoulder. With public health demands for physical-distancing and scientific advice that discourages touching, we must find other ways to break the stress ...
Herbs VS Covid

Herbs VS Covid

Every mother has a stash of home remedies in her kitchen. In mere seconds she is able to whip up a concoction with ingredients such as garlic, honey, white rum, limes, aloe and ginger, to treat household members who may feel unwell. She learnt from her mother about the healing powers of plants, with details of their curative powers being passed down through the generations. Recognized for its biodiversity, Jamaica is home to about 4,000 types of wild plants. More than 300 have been identified as useful herbs.  Those who are old enough may recall the sweet, alliterating sounds of iterant herb vendors who moved through Kingston communities peddling their stock. The lyrics of this folk song may jog some memories.  “She had Man Piaba, Woman PiabTom Tom Fall back and lemon gr...